The Keystroke

The black dot mocked me,
Staring from a blank Word document,
Blinking perpetually,
Waiting, hoping for a keystroke,
To color the page of the screen with
Feelings and words,
Unmeaningful and Unrealistic,
Optimistic and hopeful stories,
Dreams and nightmares,
All Given a happy ending,
An ending I yearned for.

Impossible, naieve expectations,
Idiosyncratic Behaviour, unexpected events,
Hurtful words, lost friends, forgotten lovers,
All floating in a pensive,
Recalled at once,
Every bit one at a time,
Every feeling one after the other,
Felt and witnessed once again
To the depth of the soul.
Mind had grown weary with the task for new words, finally a solitary vacant space.

But the black dot never gives up,
Desperate and crawling for more.
Blinking indeterminately asking for
One more story,
One more letter,
One more memory,
One more “Keystroke”


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